Selective and Group Text Messaging

Group Texting
Texting is a very quick, direct and inexpensive means to deliver messages to your participants without the need for a Show App. Our texting solution is simple to setup and simple to use.

We can provide text messaging to select individuals and groups to alert if there is a workshop room change or if a speaker is running late. For offsite events, selected attendees can be notified for whatever particular information such as when the bus is leaving to location changes.

Furthermore, texting allows for quick communication to announce:

-New sessions
-Special VIP functions
-Notify contest winners
-Attendee wellness alerts
-Immediate emergency instruction delivery

Consumer shows and festivals, use texting for e-mail harvesting. At one event with 25,000 attendees, we collected 7,000 e-mail addresses! This solution tied in with gamification (Text-2-Win Scavenger and Treasure Hunts) increases the collection of accurate and detailed attendee information and allows for:

– Attendee to Attendee information exchange without the need for an APP
– Participant engagement